Nothing Dialer App Concept

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After the gallery app, Nothing Dialer is one of the most demanded apps by Nothing phone users. Currently, both phone (1) and phone (2) use Google Dialer as the default calling app. The Google dialer app doesn’t match the Nothing design and doesn’t support any unique features either.

Recently, a Nothing dialer app concept was shared by Aman, who also created the Gallery app concept for Nothing, and a Screen concept for CMF by Nothing Watch Pro, the latter of which was shown in the latest Q3 community update video.

The first image of the concept shows an incoming call and the call screen UI. The incoming call UI has a clean and minimalistic look, with a monochrome image of the caller at the top and the caller’s name in Nothing’s iconic dot matrix font in the center. The category of contacts appears at the top of the incoming call screen, be it work, family or friends, while the lower half has call accept and reject buttons in white with a completely black background.

The call screen UI is simple and sophisticated, with the caller name and call duration at the top and all the basic call options like mute, keypad, speaker and hold at the bottom. The call end button is at the bottom center, and is red in color which contrasts with the all-black caller screen UI.

The second image of the concept shows a keypad UI with recent calls. The keypad design is clean and simple with a nothing dotted font being used for the numbers. Various red and white elements are used throughout the UI which provides uniformity with other Nothing apps. The Contacts screen is interestingly designed with rounded rectangular shaped images used for contacts in a monochrome theme. The top part of the screen contains the user profile image, a search bar, and an Add button to search for new contacts or add a new one.


Other images of the concept show various elements of the dialer app UI like the red alphabet scroll wheel to find contacts in the list and the incoming call screen UI with swipe options to reject or accept the call or send a short message. A contact card can appear by long pressing on a contact, with options to call or video call, text, add to favorites, share the contact, and copy or edit it.

The concept was also shared on Aman’s X (formerly Twitter) page and his Dribbble profile. Nothing’s Community Manager Rob Godwin and Software Creative Director Mladen M. Hoyes, also praised the concept. Sadly, there has been no indication from the company’s software and design teams about the inclusion of Nothing’s own dialer app in Nothing OS, as their main focus at the moment is on the development of the Gallery app.

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